
Complete list available on Google Scholar

Cowherd, M., Mital, U., Rahimi, S., Girotto, M., Schwartz, A., and Feldman, D. "Climate change-resilient snowpack estimation in the Western United States." Communications Earth & Environment.

Girotto, M., Formetta G., Azimi, S., Bachand, C., Cowherd, M., de Lannoy, G., Lievens, H., Modanesi, S., Raleigh, M., Rigon, R., and Massari, C. "Identifying snowfall elevation patterns by assimilating satellite-based snow depth retrievals." Science of the Total Environment.

Cowherd, M. Leung, L. R., and Girotto, M. (2023) Evolution of global snow drought characteristics from 1850 to 2100. Environmental Research Letters.

Cowherd, M., Egan, G., Monismith, S., & Fringer, O. (2021). Phaseā€resolved wave boundary layer dynamics in a shallow estuary. Geophysical Research Letters.

Egan, G., Cowherd, M., Fringer, O., & Monismith, S. (2019). Observations of near-bed shear stress in a shallow, wave- and current-driven flow. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

Eduati, et. al., NIEHS-NCATS-UNC DREAM Toxicogenetics Collaboration*. Prediction of human population responses to toxic compounds by a collaborative competition. Nature Biotechnology 33, 933-40 (2015). *Collaborator